About Us

We are all former pupils of the Portsmouth Grammar school in Portsmouth, Hampshire. Most of us began as 9 year olds in the ‘Lower School’ in September of 1967. Some ten years later in July 1977 we left PGS and headed into the world, some to university, some to other higher education and a few directly into work. The 70’s were an amazing time to be growing up, and we had the summer to end all summers. 1976, the year we were in the Lower sixth form, one year away from A levels..what could have been better. We hope that the great times we had are reflected in the pictures, music and other ‘stuff’ that you will find on the website.
“Who made that hooting noise ? Right, we will all come back at 3.20 until we find out ” Jasper Nowell

The Lower School

Sept 1967 - July 1970

The Senior School

Sept 1970 - July 1977

Magna dolore esse ad sint magna consectetur, excepteur elit et. Reprehenderit adipisicing ut non est. Elit aute dolor minim ut, ipsum adipisicing dolore nulla eiusmod duis, anim nisi ad et voluptate irure. Dolor, lorem aliquip exercitation mollit fugiat dolore laboris cupidatat amet, deserunt magna enim nulla occaecat lorem sit.

Main Entrance

The 40th anniversary reunion, July 2017
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2014
Vue Panoramique

About Us

We are all former pupils of the Portsmouth Grammar school in Portsmouth, Hampshire. Most of us began as 9 year olds in the ‘Lower School’ in September of 1967. Some ten years later in July 1977 we left PGS and headed into the world, some to university, some to other higher education and a few directly into work. The 70’s were an amazing time to be growing up, and we had the summer to end all summers. 1976, the year we were in the Lower sixth form, one year away from A levels..what could have been better. We hope that the great times we had are reflected in the pictures, music and other ‘stuff’ that you will find on the website.
“Who made that hooting noise ? Right, we will all come back at 3.20 until we find out ” Jasper Nowell

The Lower School

Sept 1967 - July 1970

The Senior School

Sept 1970 - July 1977

Magna dolore esse ad sint magna consectetur, excepteur elit et. Reprehenderit adipisicing ut non est. Elit aute dolor minim ut, ipsum adipisicing dolore nulla eiusmod duis, anim nisi ad et voluptate irure. Dolor, lorem aliquip exercitation mollit fugiat dolore laboris cupidatat amet, deserunt magna enim nulla occaecat lorem sit.

Main Entrance

Quis in dolor exercitation culpa qui culpa enim sit
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2014
Vue Panoramique

About Us

We are all former pupils of the Portsmouth Grammar school in Portsmouth, Hampshire. Most of us began as 9 year olds in the ‘Lower School’ in September of 1967. Some ten years later in July 1977 we left PGS and headed into the world, some to university, some to other higher education and a few directly into work. The 70’s were an amazing time to be growing up, and we had the summer to end all summers. 1976, the year we were in the Lower sixth form, one year away from A levels..what could have been better. We hope that the great times we had are reflected in the pictures, music and other ‘stuff’ that you will find on the website.
“Who made that hooting noise ? Right, we will all come back at 3.20 until we find out ” Jasper Nowell

The Lower School

Sept 1967 - July 1970

The Senior School

Sept 1970 - July 1977

Magna dolore esse ad sint magna consectetur, excepteur elit et. Reprehenderit adipisicing ut non est. Elit aute dolor minim ut, ipsum adipisicing dolore nulla eiusmod duis, anim nisi ad et voluptate irure. Dolor, lorem aliquip exercitation mollit fugiat dolore laboris cupidatat amet, deserunt magna enim nulla occaecat lorem sit.

Main Entrance

Quis in dolor exercitation culpa qui culpa enim sit